Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I've been holding out on you guys.

In short: Round #3 of IVF was a success, I carried twin boys through 8 months of pregnancy on the nose, they spent a month in the NI, and we are all home safe, sound, amazed, and so thankful.

Caught up or worn out?

Sorry for not keeping the blog up-to-date. I needed some space during the IVF round and thought not blogging would keep me from not thinking about it . . . not so much. And then it worked, and I didn't know how to announce our happy news . . . same with finding out it was twins . . . same with their birth and hospitalization . . . same with bringing them home.

Thanks to Sarah for her comment -- it brought me out of retirement, at least to convey our updates.

I hope you'll all understand my awkward way of conveying all of this, and accept my heartfelt thank you for all of the support you've given our family over these years. It was a tough road for us. I know it's been a tough road for all of you, as well. But in the end, why were our prayers for babies answered with a "yes," and so many others aren't? Why did our sons thrive in the NICU, while other broken precious bodies were not healed? Why has our marriage somehow managed to flourish in these rocks? I don't know. And I think that's why it was hard to say our third round had worked, and it snowballed from there.

The bottom line is that we are so thankful and overwhelmed by these two little lives that have become intertwined with ours. Looking at them, dreaming of all that they can be in this world, remembering all that it took to get to this point, and knowing without a doubt it was worth it -- we love them more than we could have imagined.

Peace, hope and love to all of you. May God give you all comfort and strength as you continue on your own journeys. Thank you for taking care of us on ours.