Friday, September 5, 2008

Long time, no post

This is what happens when your work life gets crazy, you go out of town for 10 days, and your laptop is broken! I'll have to say that I've missed you ladies, and enjoyed catching up on the blogs tonight.

Not too much to report around here. Waiting on AF so that we can go back to the RE's office for the Day 3 bloodwork and ultrasounds again . . . here's hoping my antral follicle count is WAY up from last month (for those who like to pray really specifically, we're going for at least 12). If not, we'll have some decisions to make. No point in game-planning, we'll work it out when/if we get there.

Fingers crossed for so many of you who are soldiering through cycles and making plans for the future.


Sarah said...

Welcome back!

Leslie Laine said...

Glad to see your back - keep us posted on your follicle count! We're praying! :)

Josée Martens said...

Hi Faith! Come on AF!

I Believe in Miracles said...

Hoping for a 12!!
Welcome back. Missed you!!