Thursday, April 2, 2009

So, what's really going on in there?

I can think of about a million scenarios for what's going on (or not going on) in my uterus right now. I know I've seen some sort of a chart or timeline for what happens each day after a 5-day transfer, but I can't for the life of me put my hands on it. Anybody know what I'm talking about and where to find it?

We got the word today that none of our embryos made it to the freezing stage. I was sort of sad about it, just conceptually, but making it fine until DH asked me "well, then what does that say about the chances of the ones they transferred?" Gulp. He has to have these questions after 5 p.m.! I'll call the clinic and ask tomorrow, but didn't know if anybody else had asked the same question and heard an answer?

Hooray for Friday -- we're almost there!!!!!!!!


Jill said...

I actually did a post on that. Is this what you're looking for?

Making it to day-5 is really good. This last transfer was the first time we made it to day-5 and it worked! Praying the same for you, girl.


Leslie Laine said...

Hi Faith - yes, I have heard this question before and have been told that there's no statistical evidence that there's a relationship. Just love the embryos that are there and know that they're growing and are in the best, possible environment they can be in right now. They already made it to blast, which makes them the cream of the crop!

Praying for you!

Joy@WDDCH said...

You know- it is often those cycles that we think, "There's no earthly way it is going to happen because of _____" that is usually happens. So when I saw what your husband asked I thought to myself, MAYBE this is it!

Keep your faith, honey. I cannot wait to find out the results with you!

Caroline said...

Hi Faith, I am so glad that your embies sound strong and made it to day 5. My poor little struggling embie was only a 2 cell, 2 day guy. I would love to be in your shoes! But all we can do is think positively and love them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Anonymous said...

Usually the embies start to hatch on day 6 (hatching blastocyst) and implant on day 7.

blastocyst transfers are excellent, because at that stage the embie is relying on its own energy to cleave, rather than relying on the egg's energy. I wouldnt place much of a link between the ones transferred and the ones that didnt make it (its sad, but hoping you don't need them for a while!) because what blastocyts do in a uterus prepared for a blastocyst transfer has the potential to be vastly different from what they do in good, but not totally perfect, culture media.

good luck mate!! said...

Don't ask my answer. Don't. said...

OK....I don't want to sound harsh...I am just an upset babe currently.

I just hope everything inside is going on the right path.

Praying for you...

Cady said...

i've heard that you can't really compare the embies that are transferred and the ones that do or don't make it to freeze because the uterus is a MUCH better environment for them than the lab. just keep thinking happy, positive thoughts!

Amber said...

I have seen that, too! On a couple of blogs and it looks like you have a link to Jill's.

My husband asked that same question. Except that my response was, "Great, I hadn't thought about that!". Isn't it interesting how our minds work differently? My doctor said that he wasn't concerned about those that didn't make it. Every embryo is different.

Marcia (123 blog) said...

Well, Faith, I'm visualising your embryos burrowing their way into your uterus and getting comfortable for the 9 months ahead.

I also wanted to say that they belong in you, not in the lab, so the chances are much better where they are.

praying lots!

What IF? said...

Faith, being in the 2ww myself, I can understand the million scenarios for what's going on or not going on in one's uterus.

None of our embies made it to freeze either. Usually the best-looking ones are transferred, so you have the best embabies already in your uterus, just waiting to implant.

As my RE said to me, visualize that baby bump!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy. Good luck!


My Endo Journey said...

You've got the best ones in you-and your uterus is taking good care of them right now! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way!