Friday, July 25, 2008

Welcome to Our World!

Thanks for being here. We are attorneys living and loving in the Deep South. We have dear friends, families that most people would be jealous of, jobs that challenge us, and a home that we love -- up until now, we have been blessed to live lives where things, by and large, have come easily. Having a baby has been hard.

We start IVF In August, and we covet your thoughts and prayers and, if you've walked this road before, we are privileged to seek your advice. We know that we have an amazing support network who will encourage and love us through IVF and whatever comes after. We love you for it.

Jesus taught that faith like a mustard seed would move mountains. We are trusting that God will grow a Mustard Seed Baby from our dreams and prayers into one of His own. As we continue down this road to our family, we know we're not alone. We're surrounded by a great host of loved ones and friends who are praying for and supporting us every step of the way.We know this isn't going to be easy. We know there will be doubts and pain, hope and struggles. We are praying for our Mustard Seed Baby. Thank you for joining in the journey.


Jill said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello. I will add you to my blogroll so I can keep up with you on your journey. I'll be praying for you guys!

Megs said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Especially the Infertility blogging world. Will be keeping up with your journey and wish you luck as you start IVF.

Rachie Pachie said...

Love the name & welcome! :)

Unknown said...

Hi - another southerner dealing with Infertility Ya'll! I love that you call this baby a Mustard Seed baby - how wonderful and how appropriate that I hear that today. Thank you and I will be praying for you and keeping up with your blog.